Signs Your Pet May Have a Fungal Infection

A woman wearing a face mask embraces a large brown and white dog, holding it close while smiling. The background appears to be an indoor setting, possibly a veterinary clinic or pet care facility.

Fungal infections in pets are very common. It causes discomfort and irritation, however, the good news is they’re usually treatable if caught early.

Fungal infections often affect the skin, coat, or ears, and they can lead to symptoms like itching, hair loss, and dry patches. If not treated, these infections can spread or lead to more serious problems.

By recognizing the signs early, you can help prevent your pet from feeling miserable and get them back to their happy, healthy selves.

In this blog, we’ll walk you through the most common signs showing your pet may have a fungal infection.

So, without further ado, let us get going.

Common Signs of Fungal Infections in Cats and Dogs

Fungal infections can affect your pet’s skin, coat, or ears, and there are several signs to look out for.

  1. Skin Sores and Patches

Fungal infections can cause red, irritated patches or sores on your pet’s skin. These spots might look like circles or cause hair loss in the affected areas.

  1. Itchy Skin

Fungal infections can make your pet’s skin feel very itchy. You might notice your pet scratching, licking, or biting at certain areas more than usual.

  1. Dry, Flaky Skin

Another sign of a fungal infection is dry, flaky, or scaly skin. You might see dandruff-like flakes in your pet’s fur, or their skin may look cracked or peeling.

  1. Unpleasant Smell

If your pet starts to smell musty or sour, it could be a sign of a fungal infection, especially if it’s coming from their coat or ears.

  1. Changes in Coat Appearance

Fungal infections can also cause changes in the way your pet’s fur looks. Their fur may become dull, thin, or brittle.

What to Do If You Suspect a Fungal Infection

  1. Consult Your Veterinarian

The first step is always to contact your veterinarian. They can diagnose the infection and determine the best course of treatment.

  1. Use Fungal Treatment Products

In addition to medications prescribed by your vet, you may be able to use fungal treatment products at home, such as lime sulfur spray or antifungal lime sulfur shampoos.

Two pet care products—an antibacterial & antifungal pet shampoo and a lime sulfur spray for dogs & cats.

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Lime sulfur is often used to treat fungal infections in pets and can help reduce symptoms like itching and irritation. 

  1. Keep Your Pet’s Environment Clean

Fungal infections can spread through contact with contaminated surfaces, so it’s important to clean your pet’s living space. Wash their bedding, toys, and any areas they spend a lot of time in.

  1. Monitor Your Pet’s Condition

Keep a close eye on your pet’s condition as they undergo treatment. Once the infection is under control, consider steps to prevent future fungal infections.

  • Keeping your pet clean

  • grooming them regularly

  • Avoiding damp or humid environments

  • Regular vet check-ups

This way, you can help your pet feel better and prevent the infection from spreading or returning.

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